Thrive in 5 Logo

Home based strength & fitness courses – 4 courses to choose from – you get 5 real-time, on-demand workouts a week for 5 weeks – with expert coaching & pdf guide

Lucinda Smiling Whilst Lifting Dumbbells

All courses come with:

  • 25 unique workouts in each course – that’s 5 workouts a week, for 5 weeks (6 weeks access to workouts from date of purchase for a little extra lee-way).
  • Structured timetable to follow with full flexibility to swap, skip or repeat workouts.
  • 4 workouts each week are on-demand, and 1 workout a week is live (then saved to become on-demand).
  • Workouts are in real-time – just click play and follow along.
  • Expert coaching & encouragement throughout every workout – keen focus on correct posture, core engagement, muscular recruitment, tempo and alignment for safe effective technique
  • 20 page PDF guide with information, tips, tools, templates and timetables to make the most of your course and make the course your own.
  • Coach support – contact me via email or instagram DM if you need extra support, motivation or to help with adherence or accountability.
  • Minimal home fitness equipment needed
  • Workout duration varies – see course specifics

Fuss Free Fitness


Train at Your Own Time

Train from home with unlimited access to all real-time, on-demand workout videos during the course

Minimal Equipment

Dumbbells, step (or furniture substitute), mini loop band & pilates ball (or pillow/cushion).

On Demand Workout Videos

Just click play & follow along in real time - I coach, guide & encourage you through every exercise



Lucinda Newman-Jones

I'm Lucinda, I'm a mum of 3 and a specialist women's personal trainer with over a decade of experience working with women and fellow mums day-in-day-out. I want to champion women in the process of become a better version of themselves, working on themselves, for themselves! I know how much better I feel about myself when I'm looking after my health and fitness and gaining strength - it helps me to thrive and it seeps into other areas of my life - it helps everyone and everything around me to thrive too. I want to help as many women and mums as possible harness the power of strength and fitness - to feel this way aswell.


Nulla porta nunc nec turpis lacinia, consequat placerat mi varius. Morbi id ornare libero. Donec finibus maximus nisi, eu tempus elit dictum eu. Cras aliquam felis eu urna fermentum, id blandit tellus faucibus. Fusce lobortis consequat porttitor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed non massa suscipit, varius justo eget, facilisis diam.

Fusce Lobortis

Nulla porta nunc nec turpis lacinia, consequat placerat mi varius. Nulla eros massa, placerat ut massa eu, congue tincidunt leo. Maecenas porta diam a convallis tempor. Pellentesque mollis nulla ut elementum vestibulum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras aliquam turpis elit, ac eleifend ante placerat id.

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Our Courses

Thrive in 5 - Strength & Tone

Thrive in 5 - Strength & Tone

This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts. Course is fully structured with a workout timetable to follow to...
  • This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts.
  • Course is fully structured with a workout timetable to follow to make it as easy as possible to ‘just click play’ on the workout for that day.  It is also completely flexible so you can swap workouts, choose a different workout or skip a workout so you can make the course work best for you.
  • 25 real-time, on-demand workouts (20 pre-recorded on-demand workouts and 5 live workouts which will be saved to become on-demand workouts).
  • Expert coaching & encouragement throughout every rep of every exercise of every workout.
  • Equipment needed: dumbbells, step (or furniture which can be used as a step substitute), mini loop resistance band and pilates ball (can use pillow or cushion).
  • The course is based on low impact strength exercises.
  • Workouts designed in bite-size, mini-circuits throughout each workout to be most effective and to ensure there is cardio as you go.
  • The structure of workouts each week is quite varied: some whole body, some upper body, some lower body, some abs and core, some glutes and hips and then a whole body strength, cardio and core workout as the live workout.
  • Each week there is an abs/core based workout and a glutes/hips based workout.
  • Overall there is a balance of work across the whole body each week.
  • Workout duration ranges from 20-55 mins – most workouts are between 30-45mins – time INCLUDES introduction talk, warm up and post-workout stretches.
  • Course includes a 20 page pdf guide giving you loads of information, support, structure, tools, printable templates and timetables, and lots of ideas of ways to make the course your own and how to get the most out of your course.
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£50One off payment for course
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Thrive in 5 - Power & Sculpt

Thrive in 5 - Power & Sculpt

This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts. Course is fully structured with a workout timetable to follow to...
  • This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts.
  • Course is fully structured with a workout timetable to follow to make it as easy as possible to ‘just click play’ on the workout for that day.  It is also completely flexible so you can swap workouts, choose a different workout or skip a workout so you can make the course work best for you.
  • 25 real-time, on-demand workouts (20 pre-recorded on-demand workouts and 5 live workouts which will be saved to become on-demand workouts).
  • Expert coaching & encouragement throughout every rep of every exercise of every workout.
  • Equipment needed: dumbbells, step (or furniture which can be used as a step substitute), mini loop resistance band and pilates ball (can use pillow or cushion).
  • The course is based on low impact strength exercises and high impact plyometric (jumping) exercises (low impact options given).
  • Workouts designed in bite-size, mini-circuits throughout each workout to be most effective and to ensure there is cardio as you go.
  • Cardio is higher because of the plyometric exercises so there are high impact and high intensity exercises which really ramp up the heart rate.
  • The structure of workouts each week is less varied: lower body workouts (which incorporate glutes/hips) and upper body workouts (which incorporate abs/core) then a whole body strength, cardio and core workout as the live workout.
  • Overall there is a balance of work across the whole body each week.
  • Workout duration ranges from 40-65 mins – most workouts are between 45-55mins – time INCLUDES introduction talk, warm up and post-workout stretches.
  • Course includes a 20 page pdf guide giving you loads of information, support, structure, tools, printable templates and timetables, and lots of ideas of ways to make the course your own and how to get the most out of your course.
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£50One off payment for course
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Thrive in 5 - Express

Thrive in 5 - Express

This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts. All workouts under 40 minutes – time INCLUDES the...
  • This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts.
  • All workouts under 40 minutes – time INCLUDES the introduction talk, the warm up and the post-workout stretches.
  • Course is fully structured with a workout timetable to follow to make it as easy as possible to ‘just click play’ on the workout for that day.  It is also completely flexible so you can swap workouts, choose a different workout or skip a workout so you can make the course work best for you.
  • 25 real-time, on-demand workouts (20 pre-recorded on-demand workouts and 5 live workouts which will be saved to become on-demand workouts).
  • Expert coaching & encouragement throughout every rep of every exercise of every workout.
  • Equipment needed: dumbbells, step (or furniture which can be used as a step substitute), mini loop resistance band.
  • The course is based on both low impact strength exercises and high impact plyometric (jumping) exercises (low impact options given).
  • Workouts designed in bite-size, mini-circuits throughout each workout to be most effective and to ensure there is cardio as you go.
  • Cardio is higher because of the plyometric exercises so there are high impact and high intensity exercises which really ramp up the heart rate.
  • The structure of workouts each week includes: lower body workouts, upper body workouts, whole body workouts, core & abs workouts then a whole body strength, cardio and core workout as the ‘live’ workout.
  • Overall there is a balance of work across the whole body each week.
  • Course includes a 20 page pdf guide giving you loads of information, support, structure, tools, printable templates and timetables, and lots of ideas of ways to make the course your own and how to get the most out of your course.
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£50One off payment for course
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Thrive in 5 - Ultra Express - Create your Exercise Habit

Thrive in 5 - Ultra Express - Create your Exercise Habit

This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts. Workouts are only 10, 20 or 30 mins long – plus the...
  • This course is based on home strength and fitness workouts.
  • Workouts are only 10, 20 or 30 mins long – plus the introduction talk, the warm up and the post-workout stretches.
  • The idea of the Ultra Express Course is to help you create and gradually cement a habit of regular and consistent exercise throughout your week by committing to short, frequent workouts.
  • Course is fully structured with a workout timetable to follow to make it as easy as possible to ‘just click play’ on the workout for that day.  It is also completely flexible so you can swap, skip or repeat workouts to best suit you.
  • 25 real-time, on-demand workouts (20 pre-recorded on-demand workouts and 5 live workouts which will be saved to become on-demand workouts).
  • Expert coaching & encouragement throughout every rep of every exercise of every workout.
  • Equipment needed: dumbbells, step (or furniture which can be used as a step substitute), mini loop resistance band.
  • The course is primarily based on low impact strength exercises; where there are high impact plyometric (jumping) exercises a low impact option is given.
  • Workouts designed in effective, bite-size, mini-circuits throughout each workout so although you are working on your strength, there is cardio as you go.
  • The week is structured as follows: Mon: whole body workout, Tues: lower body, Wed: rest, Thurs: upper body, Friday: abs & core, Sat: whole body cardio & core. (It is up to you how much of it you are able to do each week).
  • Course includes a 20 page pdf guide giving you loads of information, support, structure, tools, printable templates and timetables, and lots of ideas of ways to make the course your own and how to get the most out of your course.
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£50One off payment for course
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Frequently Asked Questions

In lacinia porttitor augue in eleifend. Cras et orci id neque egestas consequat. Quisque imperdiet velit ut auctor rutrum. Mauris facilisis suscipit gravida. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus aliquet venenatis purus, sit amet dictum massa congue eget. Fusce convallis efficitur odio ut pulvinar. Morbi ac orci nisi. Suspendisse sodales lorem sapien, nec vulputate metus egestas at. Nunc egestas quis arcu at aliquet.

Turpis congue, placerat purus a, gravida orci. Mauris pharetra porta mi, non dignissim nisl mattis ac. Aenean in iaculis mauris. Pellentesque ultrices purus lectus, quis auctor neque ultricies ac. Morbi maximus porta interdum. In lacinia porttitor augue in eleifend. Cras et orci id neque egestas consequat. Quisque imperdiet velit ut auctor rutrum. Morbi ac orci nisi. Suspendisse sodales lorem sapien, nec vulputate metus egestas at. Nunc egestas quis arcu at aliquet.

Proin ut turpis congue, placerat purus a, gravida orci. Mauris pharetra porta mi, non dignissim nisl mattis ac. Aenean in iaculis mauris. Pellentesque ultrices purus lectus, quis auctor neque ultricies ac. Morbi maximus porta interdum. In lacinia porttitor augue in eleifend. Cras et orci id neque egestas consequat. Quisque imperdiet velit ut auctor rutrum. Mauris facilisis suscipit gravida. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus aliquet venenatis purus, sit amet dictum massa congue eget. Fusce convallis efficitur odio ut pulvinar. Morbi ac orci nisi. Suspendisse sodales lorem sapien, nec vulputate metus egestas at. Nunc egestas quis arcu at aliquet.

Gravida orci. Mauris pharetra porta mi, non dignissim nisl mattis ac. Aenean in iaculis mauris. Pellentesque ultrices purus lectus, quis auctor neque ultricies ac. Morbi maximus porta interdum. In lacinia porttitor augue in eleifend. Cras et orci id neque egestas consequat. Quisque imperdiet velit ut auctor rutrum. Mauris facilisis suscipit gravida. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus aliquet venenatis purus.

Let’s Thrive Together

Nulla luctus, velit vel gravida pulvinar, enim lectus venenatis purus, ac fringilla mauris libero ut velit. Fusce erat metus, iaculis sed volutpat ac, suscipit eu ante. In aliquet, leo eu convallis porta, diam tellus faucibus velit, sed ornare nisl purus vel ante. Nunc volutpat ligula ut eros varius, vel dictum mi vehicula. Aliquam ut dui urna. Sed nec purus tortor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sodales finibus nibh ut ultricies.

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