I’ve been following your workouts since last October / November. My exercise plan has always been about weight loss. I’m doing well since starting, I’m down almost 1.5 stone.
However, my epiphany today is that it’s no longer about loosing weight… While doing one of your workouts this morning, my mind drifted to how much I enjoy strength training. I love dumbbells!
I feel so much stronger at the moment and I feel almost at peace with myself and my body! I think that maybe sounds really strange and I can’t express it properly, but the confidence you’ve helped me achieve is worth so much more than weight loss!
I look forward to my workouts as it’s time for me! And I’ve also started running with a friend which is something I never through I’d do!
Thanks again for all the information and inspiration!

I can highly recommend Lucy’s Her Strength fitness platform. I’d been using another fitness platform for some time, so it took me a little while to decide to switch: I haven’t looked back! There are a huge number of workouts to choose from and they’re continually added to. Plus, Lucy’s encouragement and tips to make the particular exercises as effective as possible are exactly what you need when working out at home.
Personally, I particularly like the structured courses. I love that I don’t have to think about which workout to do that day and whether I’ve covered all the right muscle groups throughout the week. I tend to do a course during term time, but then I know I have a variety of workouts that I can dip into during the busier holidays when I don’t necessarily have as much time. I’ve even managed to do some of the 10 min blitz/no equipment workouts while away!
I can definitely feel a difference to my strength levels and I feel more confident as a result. My physio has also commented on how she can see a change in the strength in my back (which in turn has helped with neck pain). If this wasn’t enough, I was diagnosed with osteopenia over ten years ago. My recent bone density scan came back as normal for the first time since my diagnosis. The only lifestyle change that I have introduced in that time is to move from a more cardio-based workout to Lucy’s more strength-based workouts.

Being a busy mum of four, the Her Strength on demand platform has been fantastic in being able to get some quality workouts completed at home within short time frames. The platform has such an array of workouts which can be chosen by workout duration or if you want to work specific muscles or choosing a specific programme. There is so much content which Lucy updates on a regular basis keeping me interested in trying new workouts. Lucy gives so much encouragement and essential tips to make me feel confident in increasing the weights I use. I can see the progression I have made since signing up to the platform and would highly recommend!

I just wanted to reach out to you and say how truly grateful I am that I stumbled across your page.
I can’t tell you how much your workouts have enhanced my life. I’m stronger, happier in myself, it’s improved my relationship with my husband! 😍 I just absolutely love every second of your sessions.
I’m a very busy mum of 2 with 2 businesses and the platform just suits my lifestyle to a T! I know I’ve always got 10 minutes at least to do one of your 10 minute blitz sessions, even if my day is crazy busy!!
So ‘thank you’ Lucinda for being the best instructor I have EVER had (and I’ve seen a few over the years! 😂) but seriously, your constant coaching, explaining, motivation is just 100% bang on! You get in my head! 👌🏼

I have been using the Her Strength on-demand workout subscription for over a year now and it is honestly absolutely amazing. As a working mum of 3 kids it has helped me not only become physically stronger but has also helped me stay mentally strong too.
I love the fact there is such a wide range of workouts to choose from and you can always find something to fit in with the time you have/ the style of workout you want to do. Sometimes I follow the structured Thrive in 5 courses which are included in the subscription and are so helpful as you can follow a clear plan and it takes the need for planning/ thinking what workout to choose away. Whilst other times, such as the school holidays when life is in less of a routine, i tend to just pick ad hoc workouts to fit the time I have. I have even used the no equipment workouts whilst on holiday.
The actual workouts themselves are so clear and easy to follow – it is like having a proper PT session with Lucy with great cues to make sure you are getting the exercises right.
I think the other really important thing that using Lucy’s on-demand workout subscription has really helped me with is learning is that I can actually fit workouts into my week amidst the juggle of being a mum/ work/ life – it doesn’t need to take a huge amount of time or require leaving the house to go to the gym/ class and I can still get a really effective workout (and the important endorphin high afterwards!).